Submitted by nfitzkee on
With a new year, comes another Structural Biology Interest Group series. Next week's speakers are:
- Dinesh Yadav (Fitzkee Lab) - Dinesh will present on journal article by Rumi-Masante and coworkers, entitled, ' Structural basis for activation of calcineurin by calmodulin." You can find a link to the article here.
- Yue Zhang (Fitzkee Lab) - Yue will give a presentation on his research, "Modeling the Early Stages of Aggregation in Disordered Elastin-Like Proteins."
As usual, we will meet at 12:00 noon in the Chemistry conference room (Hand Lab 1135).
Please consider if you want to present this semester. We are looking for presenters, not only from Chemistry but from other departments as well - if your work pertains to the intersection of chemical structure and function in a biological context, please feel free to volunteer. You do not need to be doing traditional structural biology (X-ray crystallography or NMR structure determination) to be of interest to the group. Indeed, one of our goals is to establish collaborations across MSU between structurally-minded researchers and other types of biologists.
For more information about SBIG, please visit the website or contact Dr. Nick Fitzkee in the Department of Chemistry (x5-1288).
See you Wednesday!