
SBIG Meeting - November 9

This week's Structural Biology Interest Group meeting will be held at 12:00 noon in the Chemistry Conference Room (Hand Lab 1135) on Wednesday, November 9.  One of our speakers cancelled this week, so we will have an abbreviated meeting. The speaker will be:

  • Thualfeqar Al-Mohanna (Emerson Lab) – Mohanna’s talk will be titled “Inserting DNA (AdcR) into vector (pET-15b) & Designing vector pATA.“

There's no pizza this week, so please remember to pack a lunch if need be.  See you Wednesday!


Gearing up for SBIG

Hard to believe that the summer is over, but it's time to start things back up with SBIG this year. While our first meeting won't be until September 14th (at noon in Hand Lab 1135), I wanted to ask for volunteers to present. Normally there are two presentations per meeting:


No Summer SBIG

Hi everyone,

Because of summer scheduling, there will be no June and July SBIG meetings this summer. We'll pick it up again in August with another round of structural biology presentations. See you then!



SBIG Meeting - May 11 (Free Pizza)

It's once again time for our monthly SBIG meeting. This month's meeting is being held and hosted by the Institute for Genomics, Biocomputing, & Biotechnology (IGBB), and there will be free pizza.

We will meet at noon in room 119 in Pace Seed Lab (see the map) on Wednesday, 5/11. For more information or updates, please check back here. Looking forward to seeing you then!


SBIG Meeting - March 9

Our speakers for SBIG this week are listed below. As usual, we will meet in the Chemistry Conference room (Hand Lab 1135) at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 9th. See you then!

  • Mingjie Li (Emerson Lab) - "Thermal stability of an a-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase(TauD) using Circular Dichroism and Differential Scanning Calorimetry."
  • Jerrano Bowleg - Journal Club topic TBD.

No lunch this week, so please remember to pack something!



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