Boot Camp 2023 Group Picture
Submitted by nfitzkee on

Hi everyone! Some folks have asked about the group picture, and I realized I hadn't posted it yet. I've included a high-resolution version here. Enjoy!
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Hi everyone! Some folks have asked about the group picture, and I realized I hadn't posted it yet. I've included a high-resolution version here. Enjoy!
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Feedly graciously responded to a tech support request on Twitter in response to the trouble I was having creating a new feed. The trick that I was missing in class was that, instead of clicking on the search result, I needed to hit enter or return.
To get updates on your search, simply copy the RSS feed from the PubMed site, then paste it as a new feed, and hit return. Don't click on anything else after you paste it! Here's a video (provided by Feedly tech support) that shows you the idea.
Now you can get started using this great technique for following journal publications!
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The handouts for the final day are given below. Download the final program (PDF).
The sessions will be held in Mitchell Memorial Library Auditorium (lowest floor, follow signs to the auditorium, room 1000). A campus map is available with this location circled.
If you need parking, you must contact the parking office. Travel award recipients will receive a special code that allows you to print a 3-day permit. Other parking information is available at the main Parking Services website.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The handouts for the second day are given below. Download the final program (PDF).
The sessions will be held in Mitchell Memorial Library Auditorium (lowest floor, follow signs to the auditorium, room 1000). A campus map is available with this location circled.
If you need parking, you must contact the parking office. Travel award recipients will receive a special code that allows you to print a 3-day permit. Other parking information is available at the main Parking Services website.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The handouts for the first day are given below. Download the final program (PDF).
The sessions will be held in Mitchell Memorial Library Auditorium (lowest floor, follow signs to the auditorium, room 1000). A campus map is available with this location circled.
If you need parking, you must contact the parking office. Travel award recipients will receive a special code that allows you to print a 3-day permit. Other parking information is available at the main Parking Services website.
Note: Some slides may be unavailable; these will be updated once the presenter provides them.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
We're excited to announce the final program for this year's Biochemistry Boot Camp. We have extended 12 travel awards, the largest number ever in a single year. We are also expecting a large group from The University of Alabama's REU in Interdisciplinary Convergence to Advance the Biotechnological and Bioscience Workforce.
If you're local MSU student hoping to attend, there is still room. However, please contact Dr. Nick Fitzkee before 5:00 PM on June 1. We need time to register students for the Linux sessions and to get a final head count for breakfast. If you register later than that, you may not have an account for those sessions of the workshop.
We're looking forward to seeing everyone!
Submitted by nfitzkee on
This year's Biochemistry Boot camp is scheduled for June 5-7. Registration is free and is now open! Off campus guests are welcome, and travel grants are available to support your visit to Starkville (see below).
Biochemistry Boot Camp is a three-day event targeted toward undergraduate and early graduate students doing research in biochemistry and biophysics. The sessions are designed to expose students to the computational tools and concepts used routinely in this type of research. The sessions target a broad range of experiences, introducing students to protein and nucleic acid structure and working up to molecular visualization and basic programming/UNIX.
To register, please contact Nick Fitzkee with your name, department and academic year (grad/undergrad).
If you are interested in attending from out of town, funding is available to cover your travel, meals, and lodging during the session. You will need to fill out an application form, provide a brief summary (one page) of your summer research plans, and submit a letter from your research adviser. The application form is provided below.
Please email all application materials to Nick Fitzkee before 5:00 PM May 12, 2023. Applicants will be notified of funding before May 29.
Biochemistry Boot Camp is funded in part by the National Science Foundation under grant number 1818090. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.