Methods in Biophysical Chemistry

Journal Presentation Schedule

The journal presentation schedule for this semester is available here. You will be emailed a link to the article PDF files separately.


Programming Assignment and Assignment 1

Below are the files for your first two homework assignments. Assignment 0 is the programming assignment, which you should look at right away. Assignment 1 is not trivial and will require you to read a substantial portion of Taylor. It may be a good idea to start on that early, too.

Good luck!


Syllabus and Textbooks

The syllabus for the course can be found here in PDF format.

We will use two textbooks in the class:

  • Van Holde, Johnson, and Ho. Principles of Physical Biochemistry (2nd ed.). [Amazon]
  • Taylor. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements (2nd ed.). [Amazon]

In the past, many students have downloaded illegal copies of these textbooks from the Internet. You are encouraged not to do this. Not only is it illegal, it violates the MSU Honor Code: "As a Mississippi State University Student, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those that do."


Welcome to CH 8613

Welcome to the Fall 2016 website for CH 8613, "Methods in Biophysical Chemistry." Important course updates will be posted to this page, including homework assignments, schedule updates, and other news. Check back frequently for the latest information on the class. If use an RSS reader (such as Feedly, you can subscribe to course updates by clicking on the orange button on the course web page.



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