Boot Camp 2017, Day 2 Materials
Submitted by nfitzkee on
- Session 6 - DNA Structure and Properties
- Session 7 - The PDB and Molecular Visualization
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The Biochemistry Boot Camp 2017 final program is now available at the link below. In addition, because of the number of travelers this year, we have also included a campus map and a list of parking instructions.
Note that there has been is a room change: We are now hosting Boot Camp in Hand Lab Room 1144. The program below is updated to reflect this, and the maps highlight the correct building. A google map showing hand lab is available here.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Regstration for Biochemistry Boot Camp 2017 is now open! To register, simply send an email to Dr. Nick Fitzkee (contact info) with your name and contact information. Registration is free, but because limited space preference will be given to students who have not participated in the program before. Undergraduates, graduate students, and even high school students are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
Mark your calendars! Biochemistry Boot Camp 2017 has been scheduled this year for May 22-24. This is the Monday-Wednesday during the week before Summer Session begins. If you are performing summer research in molecular biology, biophysics, or biochemistry, please consider enrolling in this course to "jump start" your research experience! Watch this site for updated information and details for registration, coming soon.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The final day's handouts and audio are linked below.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The materials for the second day of boot camp are available below.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The handouts for the first day are given below. Audio won't be posted shortly after the lectures occur.
Submitted by nfitzkee on
The program for Biochemistry Boot Camp this year has been finalized and is available here. See you Tuesday!
Submitted by nfitzkee on
"Biochemistry Boot Camp" will meet May 31st through June 2nd, 2016 on MSU Campus, in Hand Lab Room 1144. Registration is free and open to undergraduates, graduate students, and high school students interested in summer research. Space is limited, so please contact Dr. Fitzkee if you are interested in attending. You can find contact information, as well as a map to Hand Lab, on our contact page. Additional details are given below: